Friday, July 31, 2009


Well, As the time approaches-Getting my ducks in a row, I think I have all my tools accounted for and the plans for my build-
Still tweaking and deciding about options, but for the most part they are good to go. The last thing was housing- I think I mentioned before, our dear friend in Scottsdale-Rose- has graciously offered to put me up, or put up with me? We spoke last night and we are both excited to become "roomies" I can't tell you how much this means to me, I will have to do something especially nice for her-I just hope I am able to secure part time eves work-that will make my presence an little more transparent.
That's all for today- as usual all prayers are gratefully accepted and will be returned as well.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Getting Ready

Preparing for my build has take a good long time for me. Being a Graphics Designer from the git go(pardon pun)I have had an ever changing vision as to what my 2 (at least) guitars will be. So they have been hanged and rearranged for the past four months. Soon, I wil post a pic of the sillouhette of the two just as a tease. And posting shots of the guitars in progress. But I think I wont publish the finals here and make you wait to see them in person. I will email the final pics to my out of state supporters. Speaking of supporters I must mention Harry W. as I received a very touching letter, some great pix for a car show we went to and a very gracious gift that will be put to use at school- I am calling him tomorrow to express my thanks and the honor of his friendship. He reminds me much of my Gradfather and respect him as such. I am very grateful for his friendship and also with you. Without friends all you got is life, friends fill your life, Fully.
Playing a show on friday- very happy about that-love to play. There's another one- Jon B. I wouldn't recognize life without him. Come check us out! I love to see friends.
I will be Choosing materials soon, neckwood, fret board, top back and side and I would appreciate your input as I post pictures of the materials, maybe a pic of tools upcoming!
Buenos Noches
Abhuelo Scotty

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I am in the process of getting all the required tools together (EXPENSIVE) and planning my builds. I will be creating from scratch at least 1 Acoustic Guitar and one electric, More if there is time and money. Most of my tools will be purchased from the school and will receive them when I arrive. The biggest concern for me going to school was MONEY! Neither Michele or I am working and only her collecting benefits. Michele (my wife) is very supportive of anything I do and said-GO FOR IT! We will make it work. God willing. Michele is a big proponent of my happiness-I am forever grateful for her love and support. If you know me and my surgical (neck) history you know what an Angel Michele is and how much we have been through together. I am still trying to sell my HD Video outfit to raise part of the tuition, I have had some interest but no commitments yet. (prayer please!)
One of the big concerns for making this decision to go to school was housing.
On our trip to AZ to visit family and tour the facility, we visited a very close family friend, Rose-We will keep her last name private for her sake-She knows who she is!. During our visit, the plan for me to go to school was mentioned. She graciously invited me to stay with her. Without her most generous offer I am not sure I would have gone. So I am eternally grateful to her. I am planning on finding part time work ( I have applied at Scottsdale Guitar Center) freelance graphics gigs, music gigs, etc. If you know anyone who needs graphics work done via the internet at night please send them my way! I have received much well wishing and tons of prayers from friends, family, church members, bandmates, etc. Keep them coming!!
Thats all for now-Check back regularly or join this site!

Scott D. Jeffers Luthiery School Blog

Luthier School Updates- On Aug 24, 2009 I will begin Luthier School at Roberto-Venn School of Luthiery in Phoenix,AZ This particular school has produced some of the most prominent guitar builders in the industry as well as guitar techs repairpersons and instrument restorers.
Roberto_Venn is considered to be one of the most well renowned schools of its kind.
It will take approximately 5.5 months to complete the Luthiery School. During which I will learn all forms of joinery, inlay techniques, wood selection design and finishing. It is several weeks yet till the school begins, I am feeling a mixture of nervousness, excitement and unadulterated FEAR!
I am looking forward though to a new experience/adventure. Follow along and I will try to be as faithful to posting new info and pictures as they come up!
Thanks_ Stay Tuned!