Saturday, November 14, 2009

New Photos!

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Yet again it has been awhile since my last post. The days seem to be getting shorter as we have more and more to accomplish,
and very little time to get it done. The weather is a little better,even a little rain today, Saturday. As you can see by the pics, I think in order they are the finished, (new) Headstock Cap and neck,the body top and body back. I opted not to do any color,sunburst or tinting because the top is so beautifully figured and just shot clear. I have finished all my spraying of lacquer in the spray booth, about 25 coats with scuff sanding in between every seven coats. It is amazing to see the guitar come alive when you do the very first spray coat. It will now cure for 14 days and then final sanding and the long awaited buff-out.
The spraying process seemed to come naturally to me, If it were something I was to choose to do,it is a specialty that could be quite profitable, mind numbing, but profitable. Then the close up of the "birdhouse" the top, back and sides glued up with the label inside, and the finish sanding, or leveling in process. Bubinga, which I don't think I will ever bend again, is very hard, brittle and bumpy, making it very difficult to hand sand. I can only go about an hour of handing before I have to stop and do something else for awhile. I will have to find a mild way to sand with a sander when I get home. the close up is to show how beautiful this wood figuring is. I had been quite ill for about a week or more, but got the doc to send me some pills, feeling mostly better now. I am making some good friends here, and networking contacts. I will be starting to create a brand new resume for my new career, i think I will be specializing in repair and restoration while I build on the side and quite possibly work for some one as well. If you know any one with lotsa guitars or a shop that may need help I am ready in January 2010.
I raised my grade up, so I am now eligible to do a third instrument. I am planning to identical guitars which will be milled and cut and then finished at home. I need to concentrate my free time on creating templates from the school's vast collection.
Well thats about it for know, going to see one of the school's employee's band tonight -The Brown Tones should be fun!
Thanks again for reading and God Bless!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

I got the turboocaloosis and the sinus flu!



ALS0-This is my friend and classmate Sheriff Frank Hughes-He is a retired AZ Sheriff who was shot in the line of duty, not too serious, and is attending classes with his son, Scott. Roll call goes, Frank, Scott, Scotty, etc. I had bought an apron and the strap around my neck was bothering me, I had helped him with some design work for his inlay, and he offered to have his wife, Sue, sew something on to pad the strap. I thought that was very, nice. When he returned, not only had she fixed the apron but also sewed a new apron out of old Levi's- Very stylish eh? I hope to meet his wife soon and thank her accordingly.

Not that serious-There was a very bad virus / flu thing going around the shop- it actually made one guy so ill, he was out for over a week! I have been overdosing on C since I got here so that may have stayed it off for a while-but this weekend, it finally got me-I went to sleep early friday, and took Nyquil saturday, slept for almost 14 hours! I may have nipped it in the bud! Staying on top of it-I have not missed a day yet and don't plan to! So all is well, thanks for your on-going prayers.
As far as guitar building goes-we are VERY busy. Trying to get our electrics, which are essentially done, into the spray booth. That
takes six days to spray, and then two weeks to harden, I have to finish putting frets on my electric neck and do the finish sanding, which is mostly done. We are in the process of getting our acoustic bodies assembled, and then carve and inlay the acoustic necks-that, on top of lectures, demos, studying and trying to stay well, I have been quite busy. Weekends are such a blessing!
I mentioned last entry that I was adding BING DING, mispelled, typing error, Binding, the decorative strip around the edge of the top of the guitar, is in, tortoise shell, looks really nice-The bubinga headcap I had put on the electric is gone, there was a slight flaw and I had to re-do it, I was not pleased, but in the long run, the new one matched the body better. so all is well and now I know how to fix that problem in the future!. Not many pics this week, as I just have not had time for much of anything.
I will post what I have , I think me carving top braces. Thats all for now-be praying for Lloyd, He is the one that missed so much- he has a week to catch up, starting Monday. Love to all-see you at Christmas!