Thursday, May 22, 2014

So .... a lot has happened since I finished luthiery school. The plan was to jump in with both feet and start JD Casey customs straight away, Its been more of a leap. Sadly we lost our good friend, mentor and a historical and important custom guitar builder, Richard "RC" Allen, The last of the great 50's era innovators.He was best friends with the likes of Paul Bigsby, Merle Travis, Chet Atkins, and Seymour Duncan just to name a few. I was proud to call him a friend as well as demystifying the whole guitar building process. WE will be sorley missed and not forgotten.We also lost two very important Dogs, the best dog ever Jake, was my pal for 17 years, I miss him still, he left us just before Christmas. Also my Arizona dog while I was in Luthiery school, Cody, we lost her soon after Jake. Anyone who knows me knows I am a dog guy, I sure did love em and miss em. I also became a foster parent right now we have two teenage girls and we raised a young man to 18 and he is now on his own, He comes home from time to time and love him. we have had I think a total of eights with us since 2010. Its a lot of work, but what we are called to do. What else? I worked at a custom shop, LSL Instruments, (awesome) try one! almost 2 years carving neck, frets and final assembly. Went to Guitar Center for insurance reasons, for about the same time and shoulda re thought that one, I done reccommend being a tech for a big corporation. I did not care for it. But a loy of good came out of it, friends contacts and first hand experience dealing with what ever came in. LOts of cool vintage stuff, I will post some pix soon. All the while doing all my own tech and repair work after hours and weekends, trying to get JD Casey Customs off the ground at the same time. I have a couple commisioned guitars I am building, but its a little frustrating trying to do it without everything you need. so its taking far too long. But as RC Allen would say," its not like we are builing a violin, Its just a guitar, figger it out!" God Bless Him!, I am still going to get this done just waiting to find the funds and the right size shop to start. I am sell part of my personal collection to raise dough and some woodworking machines as well to fund the project, Anyone need a really nice Platinum Series Laguna shaper with really low hours. I might try doing a crowd funding project too! Like kickstarter,,, My Heather is Graduating from art school next month and Josh is finally working close his field and has a new CD out "Rosie Harlow and the Tall Tale Boys" (availab;e on iTunes and I have a new Band called Aces and Eights, Next show on May 30 and 31,, so like I said its been busy! On top of all that my wife Michele continues to put up with me, Patience of a saint, and I almost cut my left index finger off, too 14 stitches and to the bone- I am ok tho-- still pickin! Ok thats it you are all caught up for the most hope to post some new original Guitars up her soon. And I will be posting more here an on FaceBook, Scott Duane Jeffers and JD Casey Custom Guitars and the website so thanks for all your support and if you like me on Facebook I will see about getting things Jumpin! God Bless and Keep you all, See you in June!