Tuesday, December 7, 2010

RC Allen as Mentor

Over the past year after graduating Luthier school I have been busy getting the shop together, still in process, doing repairs, thats picking up a bit. And getting 6 custom builds going, making templates and so on. Lotsa work and not enough money, I have one benefactor however who graciously made a fairly open loan to get some gear. Unfortunately I need about 3 times what I borrowed
to really get things going and the banks are not passing out cash these days to unemployed luthiers. None the less I have carried on and am nearing completion of 4 of the six guitars and have already done what I call semi custom builds where high quality parts are purchased and put together for form and fit and playability. So far- happy clients. In the mean time I have been mentoring with Richard "RC Allen" a re-knowned archtop and Paul Bigsby style builder in El Monte CA. He is a funny, sweet man that between stories gives me great tips for building and repairing. I am very blessed to call him my friend and mentor. I think he likes my enthusiastic presence and eagerness to learn how he demystifies guitar building. His instruments will definetly show a minor flaw here and there, but they play with the passion and energy that was in the build. I hope I have soaked up a little of that mojo into my guitars. I hope next month we will be starting a guitar for me that we will build together. He has dozens of guitars in there for repair / restoration that I would love to assist on under his tutlelage. A really great guy and I have a few surprises in store for him as well. His Brother John Paul thinks he know where everything is in the shop but he doesn't, It is complete and utter organized mayhem. Between the two of them there know which guitar or chunk of wood is in what stack and which corner.
I am hoping to help them get organized but I think they are happy the way it is. I'll turn 56 on weds and will be my second year as a certified luthier. I hope to get some shown in Jan at Four Amigos Guitar Show along with my stands. see those here
I'll post pix as soon as they are done, maybe end Dec